Course Designer Checklist
Design Course. Allow safety margins, solid object margins, good second-car overlap, 3-5 worker stations. Consult applicable references and experienced course designers as needed.
Submit map to WWSCC Meeting at least a week prior to the event date. Get blanks here.
Obtain supplies: Lumber crayons for cone marking (Dixon yellow or white, no paint crayons, get at least a dozen; twenty is better) Dolomite for lining the course (if needed)
Make at least 75-100 copies (depending on anticipated turnout) of the final course maps (8-1/2 x 11) for registration. Print extras to use as course station coverage area maps. If you are setting up the course the day before the event, it is a good idea to wait until after course setup to copy the maps, as you will most likely end up making changes.
Recruit workers to help set up the course the day prior. A WWSCC steward should be there too. Mark all cones when satisfied. If necessary, knock over or pick up and leave cones near lamp posts.
If necessary, recruiter workers to set up final course at least one hour prior to the opening of registration.
Set up course and get final approval from WWSCC Event Stewards. Re-mark cones if necessary.
Post official map by Registration.
Post a small course map showing defined areas of coverage at each course work station, and provide copies to the Chief of Workers.
Place fire extinguisher, red flag, minimum of three spare cones, and garbage bag (if possible) at each work station.
Course Designer should be available all day to handle course surface degradations, changes, issues, etc.
Use blowers to remove dolomite lines, if applicable.
NOTE: If your event chair has done their job, you should not have to do the "teardown." There is a Chief of Teardown job description!
WWSCC Driver’s Meeting Notes
Welcome to WWSCC Event # _____, hosted by ______________
The WWSCC Championship Series is sponsored by Jim’s Detail Shop and Coop's Miata.
Introduce yourself + key people that helped put on this event (Course, Grid, Registration, Tech, Timing, Trophies, Waivers, Workers)
Introduce Event Stewards
Site and Safety Basics:
- Everyone on site needs to sign the waiver (and wear a wristband if applicable)
- All minors must have a signed waiver by a parent or guardian
- Obey speed limits on the roads leading to this site and drive slow on site – 10mph or slower
- Respect this property and the property of your competitors
- Pick up your trash and other trash you see. If you leak fluids, clean them up!
- No smoking, alcohol or drugs on site
- Timing vehicle is off limits
- Viewing areas
- No skates, skateboards, bicycles, scooters or running in grid
- No children or pets in “hot areas” (grid and course) - Pets must be leashed or contained
- No hand-held cameras in the car (cameras must be mounted)
- Novices can NOT ride with novices
- If you are a novice and would like some help during your runs, please ask a Grid official
- If you are entered in a regular open class you can NOT ride with anyone until after you have completed your competition runs
- If you are running in PRO, you MAY ride at any time for instructional purposes
- If you go out of bounds or hit a hard object you will receive a DSQ from the event and will no longer be allowed to run today
- Be prepared to pay if you make contact with the timing equipment ($100 whether it’s lights or cables)
Course Basics and Penalties:
- Corner captains are in charge of their corners – they should be holding the red flag and the radio and make sure all their corner workers know what they are doing
- Radios – call in your station, the car, and the penalty, and make sure you get an acknowledgement from course control
- Red flags - hold it furled, not rolled, flag cars if you see something dangerous, make sure they see you (but don’t get in front of the car!), go tell the driver what’s up and what to do next
- Familiarize yourself with the cones and where they are supposed to go when you go out to work course
- No sitting down, talking on cell phones, texting or taking pictures on course
- Watch the cones, not the cars
- Go over cone penalties and penalty signals (DO NOT place cones in a box with an X)
- If the cone wiggles, check it and make sure it’s centered in the box. Signal to your station’s radio person (cone, gate, or no penalty gesture) and make sure he/she sees you
Wrapping up
- If you are running first your car should be in grid with your timing card on the windshield
- If you have a dual-driver car, line up in the far left lane of grid (both timing cards on the windshield)
- If you are working first please check in at the timing van before heading to your work assignment
Any Questions?
Event Chair Checklist
Arrange for an event site, if the WWSCC has not already done so.
Obtain insurance from your own source, or through WWSCC's K&K Policy by contacting the Insurance Focal. To apply for event insurance through the WWSCC, please complete the Insurance Application Form and submit to the Insurance Focal.
Arrange for WWSCC Rule Books and Insurance Waivers ("Blue Box") to be available onsite by contacting the Insurance Focal.
Arrange for the WWSCC Timing equipment to be available (contact Larry Carnahan), or use your own if you have it.
Present your Event Plan (see rule book for more information about Event Plans) at the WWSCC Meeting no less than 2 weeks before event for approval.
Arrange for Event Information and Pre-Registration to be posted on the WWSCC Website at least two weeks in advance by completing the Event Info Form and e-mailing it to [email protected].
Recruit experienced people for the following positions and make sure they have a copy of their checklist of duties:
Arrange for use of a timing vehicle (possibly the BEAC truck), generator, and autocross supplies. Make sure your vehicle will be able to support the timing equipment, laptops, printer. Bring gasoline for the generator.
Arrange for onsite concessions if desired. Coordinate mid-day concessions hours with Registration/Tech hours.
Make sure restrooms or port-a-potties are available onsite and rent them if necessary. Be sure to rent a wheelchair accessible port-a-potty.
Order mementos and/or trophies at least two weeks prior to event.
Reserve a location for the after-event social. It's a good idea to call a week ahead so that the venue can be sure they have enough staff on hand.
Keep your checklist with you. Delegate responsibilities to others as appropriate.
At the Driver's Meeting, be sure to cover the following items: Introduce the WWSCC Rules Stewards No alcohol or drugs Viewing areas and off-limit areas Speed limit on site and in the vicinity of the site Timing vehicle is off limits Respect property No children or pets in grid No skates, skateboards, bicycles, scooters or running in grid No jumping over the fence If you go out of bounds (hit a curb or spin into an area marked as "out of bounds" on the course map) you will be DSQ'd for the day Everyone on site needs to sign the waiver (define the site boundary) Introduce all Chiefs Promote the post-event social
Audit timing, or delegate responsibility (be sure to apply indexes for Pro and Street Tire class calculations before applying any penalties). If possible, audit after each heat in preparation for the trophy presentation.
Conduct the trophy presentation: AM: 15 minutes prior to PM driver's meeting (approx 12:45). PM: At conclusion of event and always prior to any fun runs. Remind everyone of post-event social at trophy presentation.
Try to complete event and all cleanup by 5:30 p.m. Be sure the gate is locked at end of day.
Follow up with each Chief regarding post-event duties, particularly the Chief of Registration.
Make sure that supplies and equipment that were borrowed or rented are packed neatly and according to any instructions, and returned to the owners.
Make sure the "Blue Box" is returned to the Insurance Focal. Make waivers are completed (top and bottom) and signed by waiver workers. Make sure Blue Box is in order.
Make sure the results are accurate when posted.
Make sure your Treasurer mails required payments promptly to WWSCC Treasurer.